An introduction to BeWell@StepOne.

Self-referral mental health support for people across Devon.

What is BeWell@StepOne?

BeWell@StepOne is a mental health support service offered by Step One Charity. The aim of the service is to reduce the pressure on NHS services and help individuals to manage their own mental health and support others in their communities.

Who is BeWell@StepOne for?

BeWell@StepOne is for anyone over the age of 18 who is living in Devon along with businesses who are seeking support for mental health in the workplace.

“I really enjoyed the course and found it so very helpful. I feel I have learnt many new strategies for managing my stress and worries I constantly have. Over the 4 weeks, I have found that I have become increasingly skilled at managing this side of my life much better.”

What support does BeWell@StepOne offer to individuals?

We provide group-based support to as many people as possible across the county through our online workshops, in-person courses, support groups, activities and learning opportunities.

All of our sessions are free and run by professional, qualified, and supportive wellbeing practitioners with lived experience of mental health conditions.

Examples of areas where we can help include:

  • Helping Overcome Problems Effectively (H.O.P.E.)
  • Resilience and wellbeing
  • Healthy living
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Managing anger
  • Managing OCD
  • Social anxiety

What support does BeWell@StepOne offer to businesses?

Training and support
BeWell@StepOne also offers training and support for businesses. We can provide a variety of mental health training and awareness sessions to support employees and employers in spotting the signs of mental illness within their organisations. If you are interested in learning more, click the link below or fill out the contact form below to speak to someone.

Woman writing on a whiteboard.

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©️ Copyright 2024 – Step One. Registered Charity Number: 235434 Company Number 393477 in England. X Centre, Commercial Road, Exeter, EX2 4AD. Web Design by The Ambitions Agency