Devon Mind x Step One: Working together for better mental health.

Devon Mind and Step One have joined forces to offer more mental health support to people in Devon, when they need it most.

Devon Mind x Step One

We know that the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have had a devastating impact on the mental health of many people in our community. But we also know that by working together, we can build a brighter future for mental health in Devon.

Devon Mind x Step One is a positive response to these challenges. Together, we are drawing on our resources and specialist knowledge to offer mental health support for as many people as possible, at a time when it is most needed.

Working together for better mental health across Devon

The Devon Mind x Step One collaboration offers highly accessible and free to access digital and in-person mental health and wellbeing support through a unique blended approach to delivery.

Support is available through a mix of:

  • Live modular group-based, self-help courses
  • Pre-recorded webinars
  • Bitesize briefings/workshops
  • Peer support groups
  • Physical activities such as wellbeing walks and yoga groups

We cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Understanding self-care
  • Managing your anger
  • Building resilience
  • Finding meaning and purpose in life
  • Connection between the body and mind

Cost-of-living crisis

If you’re struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, there are a number of things you can do to get help:

  • Talk to your friends, family, or a trusted professional.
  • Contact your local council or Citizens Advice Bureau for advice on financial support.
  • If you’re struggling with your wellbeing, access our free group-based mental health support sessions.

Remember, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you through this.

How to access our services

Our group-based online and in-person courses, workshops, peer support groups and activities are accessible to adults in Devon. In-person sessions generally take place in Exeter, Paignton, Torquay, Plymouth and Barnstaple. Tap the buttons below to explore what’s currently available to sign up to.

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©️ Copyright 2024 – Step One. Registered Charity Number: 235434 Company Number 393477 in England. X Centre, Commercial Road, Exeter, EX2 4AD. Web Design by The Ambitions Agency