About this free course
This course will help you to realise the effect of clutter in your home on your mental health. Most of us want our homes to be our sanctuary, a place where we can feel relaxed in our bodies and minds, but clutter in the home can actually cause a lot of stress. When our homes are cluttered, we are constantly creating a mental to-do list and when we don’t manage to complete it, we feel that we have failed. This can lead to us to feel anxious and overwhelmed. When we declutter, it helps us to feel more in control.
The second part of our course will focus on decluttering our minds. Many of us suffer from having ‘too much on our minds’. When your mind is too busy it is difficult to focus and be productive. Everything can seem overwhelming, and it often leads to feelings of anxiety or panic. This course will focus on tools to enable you to filter your worries and to feel calm and focused.