Training and support for businesses.

1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. Let’s help change that.

How can BeWell@StepOne help businesses?

BeWell@StepOne offers a variety of mental health training and awareness sessions to support employees and employers in spotting the signs of mental illness within their organisations. Our training is delivered by experienced mental health practitioners who have a deep understanding of the challenges of the workplace.

What types of training do we offer?

We offer a range of mental health training courses, tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. Our training can cover topics such as:

  • Mental health awareness
  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Resilience and wellbeing
  • Building a mentally healthy workplace

We can also provide training on specific mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

Woman writing on a whiteboard.

How can I find out more?

If you’re interested in learning how to support your teams and promote positive mental health in your workplace, please contact us today. Our experienced mental health practitioners will be happy to discuss your specific needs and develop a tailored training and support plan for your organisation.

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