Managing Stress and Worry Course

Free BeWell@StepOne Course

This 4-week online course will equip you with practical tools to manage stress and worry, leading to a calmer and more balanced life where you feel more in control.

Man touching head in a tense manner with tasks surrounding him.

About this free course

This course offers practical tools and self-help strategies to help you recognise, understand, and effectively manage stress and worry. Through a combination of expert guidance, interactive exercises, and group discussions, you’ll learn proven techniques for reducing the impact of stress on your life. Additionally, you’ll benefit from the supportive environment of peers facing similar challenges, sharing experiences and encouragement.

Online course dates:

Start date: Thursday 9th January 2025
16th January 2025
23rd January 2025
30th January 2025

Time: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Venue: Online via Zoom.
Please note that this session is available for anyone over 18.

These online courses run across four weekly sessions.

I really enjoyed the course and found it so very helpful. I feel I have learnt many new strategies for managing my stress and worries I constantly have. Over the 4 weeks, I have found that I have become increasingly skilled at managing this side of my life much better.

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