Managing Your Anger Course

Free BeWell@StepOne Course

This 4-week online course offers a supportive environment for people seeking to understand and manage their anger more effectively.

Person with eyes closed taking a deep breath in nature.

About this free course

Feeling like your anger controls you? Worried it’s affecting your wellbeing? Our Managing Your Anger course is here to help. This 4-week online course empowers you to understand the emotions fueling your anger, develop healthy coping strategies, and connect with others facing similar challenges.

This course isn’t about making anger disappear, but using it in a healthy and controlled way. During the sessions, we will be looking at ways to reduce the impact of both your emotional feelings and the psychological stimulation that anger causes. Ready to regain control of your emotions and live a calmer, happier life? Sign up for free today.

Online course dates

Start date: 28th November 2024
5th December 2024
12th December 2024
19th December 2024

Time: 2m to 4pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Please note that this session is available for anyone over 18.

This online course run across four weekly sessions.

“I feel empowered after completing this course, and that my anger doesn’t and shouldn’t control me, but I should control it. There were so many useful tools and guides, but the most useful I think was the kind approach of Dom and Sharon that allowed me to sit back and REALLY THINK and be aware of how my thoughts manifest. Thank you Dom and Sharon, so, so much and thank you to the organisers for putting on this excellent free training.”

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