BeWell@StepOne course spotlight:
Braving Bereavement
We understand that people can be nervous about joining online groups and discussing mental health issues. So, we’ve put together this course spotlight to make things a little easier when you’re deciding which of our courses will be best for you.
Understanding bereavement
Bereavement and grief are natural processes which most people will experience at some time in their life when they lose something or someone important to them. It includes the entire process of coping with a loss and it can last a very long time. Grief and bereavement encompasses a wide range of feelings, behaviours, and expressions, all of which can help a person in coming to terms with the loss.
Experiencing bereavement after the loss of a loved one is painful so it’s important that those who have suffered a loss are allowed the time they need to express their grief.
About BeWell@StepOne’s Braving Bereavement course
Braving Bereavement is a 4-week online course providing a better understanding of the grief process and the uniqueness of everyone’s experience of bereavement. Over the course of the four weeks we explore what grief is, different models of grief, the stages of grief and myths about grief. We also look at ideas for self-care, and how others can help us when we’re experiencing bereavement. Finally, we turn our view to see what we can learn from the way other cultures handle grief, and learn tips and techniques for moving forward with the grief process.
Who is the course for?
This course is aimed at those who are looking for a safe space to explore their grief and learn how to carry the memory of the person they have lost as they seek to move forward.
What does the course aim to achieve?
Our Braving Bereavement course aims to help you find a level of acceptance in your bereavement process by talking about your loved one and letting go of any anger or pressures and expectations.
What is the key takeaway from this course?
There is no right or wrong way to deal with loss, but there are tools and techniques to make the process easier.
What else does BeWell@StepOne offer?
BeWell@StepOne is a mental health and wellbeing support service offered by Step One Charity, available via self-referral. The aim of this service is to help people across Devon manage their own mental health and support others in their communities.
We provide group-based support to as many people as possible across the county through our online workshops, in-person courses, support groups, activities and learning opportunities.
All of our sessions are free and run by professional, qualified, and supportive wellbeing practitioners with lived experience of mental health conditions.