A day in the life of a Mental Health Nurse – Ashley
Ashley talks about what it’s like to work as a Registered Mental Health Nurse at Cypress Hospital in Newton Abbot.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Isaac Mann contributed 96 entries already.
Ashley talks about what it’s like to work as a Registered Mental Health Nurse at Cypress Hospital in Newton Abbot.
Why not take some time for yourself and engage in some form of art?
We all know that fruit and vegetables are great fuel for our bodies, but did you know that they’re also great for our mental health?
This year’s theme for World Mental Health Day is ‘Make Mental Health & Wellbeing for all a Global Priority’.
Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice, it can act on your body and mind in a variety of positive ways, offering benefits for your health, your mood, and even the moods of people around you.
SAD is defined as a disorder characterised by seasonal patterns of recurrent major depressive disorders.
Our BeWell@StepOne Autumn Courses, Workshops and Peer Support Groups are now open for registration!
Becoming a community support worker will allow you to make a real difference to people’s lives, supporting them to make the most of their future.
Simply, thank you Your Royal Highness for your years of service and devotion to us all.
Whether you consider yourself a beginner or a star baker, why not put your own skills to the test?