Baking has been shown to be extremely beneficial for boosting mental health, with advantages such as enhanced mindfulness, satisfaction, and sensory pleasure. Bakers who suffer from depression or other mood disorders may turn to baking as a form of therapy to relieve stress and anxiety.
Reasons why baking is great for your mental health
1. It’s meditative
Baking (and cooking) is an activity that takes your complete concentration – especially if it’s basic and repetitive – and it may help you relax. The act of weighing ingredients, whisking eggs, and folding dough relieves stress and helps to reduce negative thoughts.
2. It stimulates the senses
Feeling the flour, hearing the blender, and smelling the finished result may all help to release feel-good endorphins and reduce stress and anxiety.
3. It’s creative
There is a positive correlation between creativity and improved wellbeing. Baking allows you to experiment with recipes, colours and appearance so why not try something new today?
4. It’s a way for you to be in control
With every ingredient needing to be measured out and the recipe needing to be followed in order to get the final product, baking is an activity that allows you to experience what it’s like to stay in control.
5. It increases your self-confidence
People who suffer from depression often have poor self-esteem, but knowing that others loved your baking might help you overcome those self-critical ideas and better your other difficulties.