Amy Erith, BeWell@StepOne Training Manager, discusses Step One Charity and BeWell@StepOne initiative.

Amy Erith introduces BeWell@StepOne

Watch this video of our BeWell@StepOne Manager, Amy Erith, talking about our new initiative which aims to support more people across Devon with their mental health and wellbeing.
Woman holding a cup and looking out a window

Resilience – the current buzzword or an important basic human need?

Explore resilience in this blog post. Learn from Amy Erith, our BeWell@StepOne Training Manager, on understanding and growing your resilience.
Step One Charity branded t-shirts

Changing your mindset – CBT

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool for managing mental health. Learn how CBT, used at Step One Charity, helps challenge negative thoughts and brings positive change to people's lives.
Step One Charity staff member at Cypress Hospital showcasing a colorful craft display for Mental Health Awareness Week, celebrating kindness.

Mental Health Awareness Week – Kindness

During Mental Health Awareness Week, Step One Charity celebrates the power of small acts of kindness, both for ourselves and others. In this blog post, discover ways to spread kindness and support mental wellbeing.
Close-up of a hand holding a coffee cup, symbolising a moment of self-care amidst the challenges of COVID-19.

What about mental health?

The lockdown may have eased, but its shadow lingers on our wellbeing. In this post we share some self-care tips and highlight the work we're doing to support our community through these challenging times.
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