All the teams at Step One Charity look to arrange activities that will help the people we work with to learn new skills and build their confidence.
Christmas is a great focus for many of the creative activities we arrange and over the past couple of weeks we’ve all been busy making things, not only for the events we get involved in at Step One but also in support of other great causes.
Our dedicated staff have been organising Christmas crafting sessions to make decorations and ‘crafternoons’ in support of the the Quality Care Devon’s Christmas Card Campaign. Quality Care Devon have been asking people to send Christmas cards to them that will be given out to their residents as part of the campaign, which aims to let people who may be feeling lonely know that someone is thinking about this Christmas.
Kelly Anne, one of the Occupational Therapy team at Cypress said:
“I came across the Quality Care Devon Christmas Card Campaign on social media and thought it would be nice for us to take part.
It gave the people we support an opportunity to make someone feel special or thought of at this time of year. We made some really lovely cards.”
At a recent ‘crafternoon’, people learnt how to make confetti window Christmas cards, which will also be sent as part of our contribution to the Quality Care Devon Christmas Card Campaign, along with some fabulous festive baked treats!