Lesley celebrates 20 years at Step One Charity!

Photo of Step One Charity employee celebrating their 20 year work anniversary

We’re dedicating this week’s blog post to our Finance Officer, Lesley, who has just passed the incredible milestone of working at Step One for 20 years! We would like to congratulate Lesley, and say a huge thank you to her for her hard work and dedication over the past 20 years.

We caught up with Lesley to talk about her achievement and her view of the past 20 years at Step One Charity.

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary of working at Step One – that’s quite an achievement!

“Thank you, the time has flown by! I knew as soon as I walked into the reception of St Loye’s on Topsham Road that I wanted to work there – and luckily, they wanted me!”

What do you like the most about working for Step One?

“It has to be the people. I have met some wonderful caring people and made a lot of friends over the years.”

What changes have you seen over the past 20 years at Step One?

“The biggest change has been the joining of the St Loye’s Foundation and the Community Care Trust to become Step One Charity and the way we have changed the support we deliver to match the needs of our clients.”

Will you share your fondest memory with us?

“My fondest memories are of having the opportunity to take part in some great fundraising moments. Raising money and awareness of what we do while at the same time being able to push myself to do things I probably wouldn’t have done – like the Commando Challenge, abseiling from Okehampton Viaduct and a half-marathon, to mention a few!”

What are the key issues that you see Step One addressing in the future?

“I think that Step One will continue to evolve and develop projects like the one with Devon Mind to provide greater help and support for people who have hidden disabilities and mental health issues, both in the community and in the workplace.”

Have you met our patron, Her Majesty The Queen since working at Step One?

“I have met The Queen! We both wore the same colour purple, which I do think she noticed. Prince Philip was also present and I can recall he asked several questions relating to finance and made us all laugh.”

Congratulations and thank you, Lesley!

Would you like to join Step One?

Has Lesley’s story inspired you to join the Step One team? Why not look at our current vacancies and see if we have the role for you?

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