The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021 is live! Help Step One today in preventing someone from reaching a crisis point this Christmas.
Support for BeWell@StepOne
For this year’s Christmas Challenge, we’re raising money for our online mental health service, BeWell@StepOne. This service is Step One’s specific response to the alarming increase in the number of people across Devon who are seeking support for their mental health, particularly in the wake of the pandemic.
BeWell@StepOne provides critical online support, through courses and workshops, to those who experience mental health challenges. We help people develop better coping strategies and self-management techniques to maintain good mental health.
How your Big Give donation helps
BeWell@StepOne is run entirely through voluntary donations, meaning that the generosity of our community is key to the services we provide. Any donation made through The Big Give will go directly towards funding the practitioners who run the courses, or to training the volunteers who so kindly offer their time to help others, or to supporting the teams who work so hard to keep our charity running behind the scenes.
By making a donation through the Big Give, your donation will be doubled, helping to bring us towards the total needed to run pioneering digitally-integrated mental health support in the areas which need it most. Every donation is seen, appreciated, and recognised as a part of a community reaching out to help someone else in need.
If you share our vision and are inspired by the fantastic opportunities we are creating for those experiencing mental health difficulties in your local area then please support our Christmas Challenge by donating today!
Alternatively, if you know somebody who would be interested in kindly donating to Step One Charity, please share our page by clicking the social media buttons at the bottom of this page.
How does it work?
From 12pm Tuesday 30 November to 12pm to Tuesday 7 December, every donation made via our Big Give page will be doubled through matched funding.
So if you donate £10, it becomes £20. If you donate £25 then it becomes £50, and so on. We need the support of those passionate about mental health to help raise £1100, which will be matched by pledges of £550 already secured from generous major donor pledges.
*Donations are only doubled until the matched funding has gone. Watch the video below to learn more:
How do I donate?
Only donations made during the campaign dates on our page of the Big Give website will be doubled. This link will go live on Tuesday 30th November at midday.
The campaign will then run until 12pm midday on Tuesday 7th December, unless we meet our target beforehand. Donations made outside of these times and dates (or on the Step One website rather than our Big Give webpage) will still come to the charity, but won’t be doubled or counted towards the Big Give total.