Graphic with title: What's on this June? BeWell@StepOne and Devon Events

June: Key dates and BeWell courses, workshops and events

June marks the halfway point of the year and the beginning of summer. There’s lots to do this month from holidays and events that you can participate in, to our upcoming BeWell courses and workshops.
Graphic with title: What's on this May? BeWell@StepOne and Devon Events

May: Key dates and BeWell courses, workshops and events

As a new month begins, it presents itself with infinite potential, just like us. We should use this new month to start fresh and enjoy all that is around us.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023: Anxiety

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is anxiety. We wanted to share some of the upcoming events you can get involved with along with our available BeWell@StepOne courses and peer support groups.
Woman painting

Art and mental health: Celebrating World Art Day with creative self-expression

Art promotes creativity, innovation, and cultural diversity worldwide, but did you know it can also benefit your mental health? Let World Art Day inspire you to get creative and to appreciate the art around us every day.
Graphic with title: What's on this April? BeWell@StepOne and Devon Events

April: Key dates and BeWell courses, workshops and events

Spring has sprung and April brings us a host of important dates to look forward to. From celebrating diversity to taking care of our mental and physical health, here are some key dates to look out for.

Autism and mental health

During this World Autism Acceptance Week, our focus is on raising awareness for the 700,000 individuals in the UK who live with autism.
People talking around an office desk

Why mental health first aid training is essential for businesses

Chances are, some of your employees may be struggling with their mental health right now. The good news is that you can help them by providing mental health first aid training.
Graphic with title: What's on this March? BeWell@StepOne and Devon Events

March: Key dates and BeWell workshops, courses & events

Step One Charity’s March calendar of BeWell@StepOne workshops, courses and events.
Photo of Step One Charity's new CEO Ben Greaves

Step One Charity appoints new CEO: Ben Greaves

Devon-based charity, Step One is delighted to confirm Ben Greaves as their new CEO.
Damon, our community support worker smiling at the camera

A day in the life of a Community Support Worker – Damon

Damon, a member of the Community Support team talks about his experience in this role so far.
©️ Copyright 2024 – Step One. Registered Charity Number: 235434 Company Number 393477 in England. X Centre, Commercial Road, Exeter, EX2 4AD. Web Design by The Ambitions Agency